Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Work In Progress by Kristin Armstrong

I just listened to an interview with this author on Moody radio today and have placed an order for this book. The full title of this book is Work in Progress: An Unfinished Woman's Guide to Grace and is written by the former wife of Lance Armstrong. Personally i am not a huge fan or Lance with his arrogance in his selfish version of "team" cycling where he gets all the credit and multiple failed marriages( although his zest for life and recovery from cancer is certainly a real tale of courage), so i did not buy the book because of him. It was listening to Kristin in her "down to earth" approach about achieving grace in her life. She too is a survivor... of "life after divorce" and heartbreak. I could hear her optimism and hope for all of us in her radio conversation talking about grace. I love the idea that we will always be "unfinished" in character. I have always believed in "lifelong learning"( as an educator) and so this goes hand in hand with that philosophy of life. If we think we are finished then we have no room for compassion and reaching out to God or others do we?... if we know it all- that is a dangerous notion! Kristin discusses 12 traits of grace in her book:Beauty( not physical but rather as a reflection of who we are) ,Confidence,Softness,Trust,Truth,Generosity,Forgiveness,Courage,Diligence,Wisdom,
Authenticity and Freedom. What a comprehensive list that is!! I cannot think of anyone who has all those traits polished up and ready to go?!

Monday, October 26, 2009


I just started reading the book Spiritual Disciplines-Practices that Transform Us by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun. I believe this is such a COMPREHENSIVE handbook that perhaps it will be a "resource book" vs a "read through book" and a very valuable book in my "life library". One of the pastors of our church did a series of summer workshops on some of these practices but I missed it. In my inquiry about it recently Pastor Matt referred me to this book which I ordered from Amazon.com. I tend to read "loaded topical books by interest, so i started not with the first chapter but rather with the chapter of interest- bad habit perhaps but it gets me reading quicker!!I started with the chapter entitled "Silence" in "Discipline 3 of 7: "Relinquish the False Self".The other disciplines include: Worship, Open Myself to God,Share my Life with Others,Hear God's Word,Incarnate the Love of Christ, and Pray. Under these chapters are 55 practices!!Pastor Matt said this is one of his most valuable books in his library and I can see why as it so very comprehensive-- good food for thought and learning and growing in Christ!

"SILENCE" has always been MY challenge as I am a talker!! So ANYTHING that helps me become "still" is a blessing. The quotes that struck me are these. " Silence challenges our cultural addiction to amusement, words, music, advertising, noise, alarms and voices. Silence asks for patience and waiting. Silence is a time to rest in God. leaning into God, trusting that being with him in silence will loosen your rootedness in the world and plant you by streams of living water. Like a can opener the silence opens up the contents of the heart, allowing us a deeper access to God..." I am a multi-tasker in all I do: read or email while watching tv, clean while listening to a sermon on Moody radio, talk as I go on a walk.... so this is a challenge for me! Lord give me peace and patience in this process!!

I do believe that without becoming a good listener we cannot really be a true disciple of God. So I am yearning to become a better listener and be able to truly hear God in the silent prayer vs. fill it up with MY thoughts. One simple method( for beginners) that they talk about in this book is to use a timer for 10 min of silence with God as a recommended technique to try if we are struggling. It made sense to me so I will give it a try....a  place to start. Then while in that 10 min "becoming quiet to what we hear in the way of outside sounds. As we remain in silence the inner noise and chaos will begin to settle. Let it go continue to let the quiet deepen and be with God. Place yourself in the presence of God by saying 'Here I am' . If you struggle with this bring the timer into this silent time and count each distracting thought that comes to mind and let it float down a visual river. Continue with this method and be patient as it takes practice to gain the silence." It sounds basic, but I believe I need this basic beginning.

"Then progress to spending half a day alone in silence with only the Bible- just listen...what surfaces ? Continue to build solitude, silence and retreat into your daily lifestyle."

There are many, many chapters and topics discussed in this book this is just one of them.