Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pure Scum..The Left-out,Right-brained,and the Grace of God

 Sorry I haven't posted in a long while...very busy with family  this past year.

Well I just finished reading a book called "PURE SCUM: The Left-out, Right -brained, and the Grace of God"(IVP books Inter Varsity Press). It was written by my daughter's pastor in Denver, Mike Sares .

It is a  very  transparent  personal, readable story about a faith journey through vocations,
 trials , family, finances and people , both supportive and not along the way.

It is a reminder that God takes us on a journey... on HIS  timeline, and what we gain along this path is valuable and essential to where it is God wants us to be. We grow up along the way, adding to our skills, friendship and faith understanding. The road can break us down to build us up. This is about the human journey and the choices WE make as well.  It also talks of the role of the church and its sense of community and how we need to keep re-examining this to best meet the needs of the people we serve in and out of our church doors.

Scum of the Earth Church in downtown Denver has made a commitment to open its doors to all people  and to keep shaping and changing to meet the needs of those who enter there. It is a refreshing and important way to view the role of the church and to introduce  Jesus to all and support people along the way in their life and faith journeys. Scum's mission statement is:
"We strive to be a church that recognizes  its need for a savior".

I feel it is blessing for Katie ,our daughter, to be part of such a vibrant breathing church community. where she has a place to continue to grow in her life/faith journey and with an abundance of faith based friendships that add much joy  and support to her life.

I would recommend this book to anybody at any age and at any level of faith ,as it talks about all those ages and stages of faith, and most of all it talks about the joy of letting yourself experience all the life and faith roads along the way to growing up to be who  God  wants us  to be.

As a person who really values Jesus in her life, I must say it is always a pleasure to read about another's faith journey as well as hearing  deep thoughts about the faith life  and what the bible says to support it,  for myself  as I continue my  faith walk at age 60.

My favorite quote from the book comes toward the end in the chapter called "Carried":
"Often  we meander through life or think we know which way to go, but is valuable only for a season, the force of God's Spirit lifts and carries us in HIS own direction. It is his great LOVE for us that accomplishes this."

I have felt this in my own life in  a number of surreal experiences I have had and opportunities that God has created for me... like  teaching in Africa...it was a great great, life changing  experience and blessing. Now when  I  look back  , I see and know that it was perfect timing  and that I needed all the skills along the way and Gods Grace to do this....a great blessing indeed!!