Friday, November 22, 2013

The China Study....(.less cancer and disease on plant food diets)

currently reading but cant wait to share.......

This is not a new book..copyright 2006. In fact  I bought it a few yrs ago and it sat on my bookshelf until liz mentioned she was reading it and asked me  if I wanted to read it too. (We started a little book club to read the same book at the same mother-daughter sharing as we both love studying nutrition. In fact all of us (katie, liz and me) have the same cookbook- pink edition of Better Homes and Garden Cookbook to share fun) Sorry for the digression....

"The inescapable fact is that certain people are making an awful lot of money today selling foods that are unhealthy. They want you to keep eating the foods they sell, even though doing so makes you fat, depletes your vitality and shortens  and degrades your life. They want you docile,compliant, and ignorant. They do not want you informed, active, passionately alive and they are quite willing to spend billions of dollars annually to accomplish their goals." Food buyer what I would say to you all!!

This  book has amazing research based,documented  nutrition facts about DIET AND DISEASES. It is written by T Colin Campbell and research done jointly  through Cornell University, Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine....a massive study of diet, lifestyle and disease.  It gives "overwhelming statistics for the case of  a vegetarian diet as the foundation for a healthy lifestyle". But it goes father than that with its documented studies and research. It links almost all diseases to animal products diet of meat and dairy...yes that means heart disease, Diabetes, High blood pressure, heart attack and stroke, bone health, auto-immune diseases, even Alzheimers ,vision,brain and kidney health and yes all types of cancer. America has the highest cancer death rates in the world and it because of our western diet based on meat and dairy. In his research of over 16 yrs, he proved  "People who ate the most animal based foods  got the most chronic diseases....people who ate the most plant based diets were the healthiest and tended to avoid chronic disease."

Dr Colin started his career in Veterinary medicine and actually was doing graduate research originally in "animal nutrition"....he was attempting to improve our ability to produce animal protein, the cornerstone of what I was told was good nutrition". He was on the "road to promote better  health by advocating the consumption of MORE meat, milk and eggs" and "after a childhood of growing up on an American farm as a child and and was happy to believe that the American diet was the best in the world".He later did research in third world countries to study to study the role of  nutrition and protein in the development of cancer and "what as found in the research was shocking........that low protein diets inhibited the initiation of cancer and  low protein diets also blocked subsequent cancer growth".They also found  "Casein found in cow's milk protein promoted all stages of  the cancer".What  was also found through the research was that " the safe protein came from plants". Plant  proteins were found to protect the body from cancer  and even heal  the  body with cancer. So starting his career to promote animal protein actually gave him these shocking scrince based facts of how animal protein promotes disease while plant proteins inhibit and heal disease!!!This is why after four decades of  scientific research,education and policy amking at the highest levels in our society he now teaches a course at Cornel university on "Vegetarian Nutrition" and offers a Certificate  program of three classes in "Plant Based Nutrition" thur eCornell. I am definitely looking into taking this course and getting certified in my retirement!!What is more important than our health???? Nothing except faith and my education continues.....

Hope you enjoyed learning about this amazing nutrition info.. I wish everybody could read this book and have less disease in their lives...We need to be  teach and eating by example for  our children and grandchildren so they can have healthy, happy futures.....It will be a lifestyle change, but isn't our health and old age worth it!!!! For me... I am in month 4 of being a vegetarian and altho I slip back a bit now and then when traveling, I am making great progress to find tasty, healthy alternatives to meat and dairy...It is possible!!! Now if I could just kick that white sugar habit of german donuts...hehe

Happy reading..and here's to a healthier you and me!!