Monday, May 18, 2009

One Anothering

I just started reading the book " Authentic Relationships- Discover the Lost Art of 'One Anothering'...." by Wayne and Clay Jacobsen . They offered a great list of Bible verses that address this concept of "one anothering" ( i love that phrase!!),so i thought i would share them with you- in case you don't have this book:

Loving... "one another"(John 13:34)
Forgiving...(Eph 4:32)
Accepting...(Romans 15:7)
Bearing with...(Eph 4:2)
Being devoted to...(Romans12:10)
Honoring...(Romans 12:10)
Greeting...(2 Cor 13:12)
Being Hospitable to...(1 Peter 4:9)
Being kind and compassionate...(Eph 4:32)
Sharing with...(Hebrews 13:16)
Serving...(Gal 5:13)
Carrying others burdens...(Gal 6:2)
Building up others...( 1 Thess 5:11)
Encouraging...(Hebrews 3:13)
Comforting...(1 Thess 4:18)
Stimulating others to love and good deeds...(Hebrews 10:24)
Instructing...(Romans 15:14)
Admonishing...(Col 3:16)
Praying for...(James 5:16)
Confessing your sins to one another...(James 5:16)
Being of the same mind toward others...(Romans 12:16)
Submitting to one another...(Eph 5:21)

I would add Gal 5:6- "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."


  1. Some of my favorite quotes so far from this book are the following:
    *Jesus invited us not to live as competitors but a fellow travelers...
    *Forgiveness and acceptance are the detergents of body life that allow us to live free of the past...
    *Jesus passed out alot of mulligans.He constantly forgave people and encouraged them to do the same...
    *Living in God's love is the first step to one-anothering. He wants to set you free in his love so that it spills out and touches others...

  2. I finally finished reading this book on my trip to Portland to visit my daughter- yeah for flights and reading time! I have a habit of reading 2-3 books at the same time for variety:) sometimes slow to finish one.
    Some final favorite quotes /thoughts include:
    *evangelism- "what may begin as a simple act of kindness can mature into a relationship in which we can share the highs and lows of our faith jouney."
    *"Entering a room and not demanding what we want but being ready to help others get what they need is the essence of genuine church life."
    *"Friendships begin in simple moments by offering a warm smile, a gentle word or a kind act."
    *"Nothing we own is really ours... everything belondgs to God... sharing doesn't stop with includes our time,our home and our possessions."
    *"When a friend is in need don't annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do...think of something appropriate and do it."
    *"When people go through difficult times they seldom need someone who can fix the problem...instead they need someone who will walk with them through it."
    *We encourage others by saying or doing things that make God more visible to them."
    *"When you know you will be spending some time with someone(in grief), ask God what you might say or do that would help that person expereince a touch of God's grace."
    *"...take your eyes off my agenda and look to God's."
    *"Show , don't tell."
    *"Growing in relationship with God does not come through conformity but through transformation."
    *" Let your prayers flow from trust...fear is the death of prayer."
    *"Phil 4:6 invites us to make requests we want of God(thru prayer) but it does not tell us to expect him to answer the way we want.Scripture and life expereince make clear that he is not a fairy godmother who will wave a magic wand and conform every circumstance to our whim. Real prayer is the process of getting involved with someone's need, praying as best we understand God's work, and then staying in the situation until we see his work resolved."

    This was a great book of Christian wisdom for real life situations!!I whole heartedly recommend it!!
