Saturday, May 2, 2009

Getting Started.....

Two new books I recently purchased and am about to start reading are about "living missionally in our communities," a topic our church is exploring at present( I bought them on

The Hole in our Gospel by Richard Stearn, CEO World Vision

Authentic Relationships-Discover the Lost Art of One Anothering
by Wayne and Clay Jacobsen

Join me as i read these in the coming weeks and discuss my thoughts. Or add a book that you have read and that has really impacted your life, to share with others. I will try to keep my posts and comments(as i read them)short to make them quickly readable to make room for others to share their thoughts as well. If you are responding to the same book try to write the comments under that book entry to keep things somewhat cohesive for readers. Thanks.
Happy reading to you all!!

P.S. I realize that i have not configured this site to allow others to list THEIR reviews of books they have read or are reading, as i can do! So forgive my slowness to technology as i try to figure this out. Meanwhile feel free to just write your book reviews in the comments section of the most recent book review I did just making it clear that it is about YOUR book. I hope this will work temportarily :(

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